Originally from France with a significant stint in Germany, Charlotte has shaped her path through various international experiences before settling in Canada to pursue her career as a graphic designer. Her studies have taken her from animation in Montreal to specializing in visual communication in Paris. This diversity of cultural and educational influences is reflected in her approach to design, boldly shaping the future of design with audacity and originality.
For Charlotte, the excitement lies in the initial phase of the project, where exploration and ideation give free rein to her overflowing imagination. This propensity to explore all possibilities reflects her fervent desire to find the perfect solution. Her involvement in various projects, such as creating promotional videos for social media or designing brochures and newsletters, demonstrates her versatility and willingness to explore new creative horizons.
"I love starting with a concept and creating a multitude of elements that revolve around it."
Her experience in packaging design for prestigious brands like Nina Ricci, Jean-Paul Gaultier, or Kylie Cosmetics has allowed her to taste the satisfaction of seeing her creations come to life in the public space.
"Seeing my designs on a store shelf is incredibly rewarding"
At Advanta, Charlotte brings a unique perspective to the product development process. She focuses on the marketing aspect and the presentation of projects to make them appealing to potential clients.
Charlotte embodies the passion and energy of graphic design. Her international background, curious mind, and ability to push the boundaries of creativity make her an iconic figure in her field. As a graphic designer, she continues to inspire and innovate, boldly shaping the future of design with audacity and originality.